Events & Activities
Our clinic is dedicated to inspiring, healing, helping, and having fun through our community focused programs and activities.
March 1-15, 2023
Unity Campaign
We’re delighted to be a part of this exciting 15-day giving event (March 1 - March 15), powered by United Way of the Eastern Panhandle.
When you give to Good Samaritan Free Health Care through the Unity Campaign, your donation will allow us to continue to fill the gap for the uninsured and underinsured in our communities by providing free health care, medications, and needed diagnostics. It will also assist us in making improvements to buy a shed for our community garden as we provide free fresh vegetables to our clients and the neighborhood. Additionally, it will help us to get bikes, helmets and bring bike safety to Burke Street School for physical education and for an inner-city bike club. The goal is to help kids learn that exercise and group support is a healthy living strategy to reduce stress, make this a lifelong habit to cope with trauma, and stressful situations.
- Donate online at
- Donate via mobile device, TEXT: UNITY82 to 71777
- To donate via cash or check, complete the enclosed donation form and mail it to United Way of the Eastern Panhandle. In memo write Good Samaritan Free Health Care as your designated nonprofit.
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Community Garden Opening Day
Good Samaritan Community Garden that is managed by team leaders Randy and Karla Perrell provide fresh vegetables and herbs to our clients and to our neighborhood. This is the 3rd year for the garden.
We are in need of a small shed to store our gardening tools so volunteers have access to needed tools and we do not have storage space at the clinic for these supplies. The cost of the shed and an area in the yard prepared to place it and locks to secure it with total cost reaching approximately $500.00.
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Cars Under the Stars Free Movie Night
This is a free movie night sponsored by Exit Realty in support of their partnership with Good Samaritan Free Health and the children’s initiative “The Great Berkeley Bike Bash.”
The Great Berkeley Bike Bash will ultimately equip and support our inner city youth with lifelong healthy living strategies through biking. It will be built into the school curriculum.
April 24 from 10am-11am
Community Gardens
We will have healthy snacks and an activity for the children!
“It all starts with a seed!” We want to plant that seed so together we can reap the harvest!
We have a garden behind the clinic and one at the Rescue Mission (which they maintain). We are providing herbs and fresh vegetables to our patients, and the community.
The goal is to get healthier foods to those without access to fresh vegetables in an effort to educate those with or without chronic disease towards healthier lifestyle.
Block Party
We have a Block party on Addition Street beside the clinic. We have interactive games, food, and giveaways.
Once COVID 19 is under control we will bring this activity back to our block. We need planners and helpers for this event!
Chronic Disease Prevention Programs
Throughout the year, we partner with other community organizations to help folks combat chronic disease in their lives.
Follow our Facebook page to find out when the next class will be offered.
Mission Statement
Sharing God’s love through caring for His people.